Did you know that the origins of the popular game of table tennis go back to England in the 19th century where it was played among the upper classes as an after dinner parlour game? They stood books up on the dining table as a form of net and used cigar boxes as table tennis bats and champagne corks as balls and the game was called whicky whack? Did you also know that You Am I's Tim Rogers celebrated his recent birthday before his show at The Gov by playing a whicky whacky game of ping pong on one of the tables used for Monday evenings Table Tennis Doubles Championship? Such has been the on-going success of those table tennis nights, Ping Pong Club organisers Brody Brown and Dylan Carter have now arranged for two mad Saturday afternoons (March 2 and 9) of Ping Pong Madness at which no less than six tables will be in operation. For both events dress as a table tennis pro there will be prizes for best outfits. Expect two afternoons of Ping Pong Madness but book early as tickets are limited although the fun is not.