Mr Fibby hail from the delightful eighteenth century seaside village of Canberra, and crash around the countryside presenting their uniquely obnoxious blend of music and theatre. Telling tales of fox spirits, dead men, heart broken gypsies and the blood red Moon, Borracio (cello), Seraphina (violin), Zavi (guitar) & Noimporant (insults) confuse and delight audiences with their enchantingly depressing faux-fairytales of love and death. They have been described as 'volcanic', 'full of sound and fury', and 'an inappropriate Act to stage in Robertson, on a Sunday afternoon, after a children's dance performance'. They have ruined and disappointed audiences at such notable festivals as Music At The Creek Folk Festival, Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival, National Folk Festival, National Fringe Festival, Corinbank Festival, Candelo Festival, High & Dry Festival, Crack Theatre Festival, National Young Writers Festival and The Woodford Folk Festival.